about avian
I like a ton of things and I think that’s super important—to have a genuine curiosity and excitement for the things that catch our eye and dive into them wholeheartedly. It’s something easily forgotten when those pesky adult responsibilities hit.
If you were to ask my friends though, I bet they would say, “Avian is… interesting,” and that’s cool! I’ve always felt… different. Not in today’s, “I’m different,” egotistical way, but it was just a constant feedback I’d come across growing up.
I was “most artistic” in my high school yearbook. I was an athlete through college. I’m still the nerd who likes cartoons and does funny voices. But affectionately, the thing I’d hear most often growing up was “space cadet.” I guess I was always daydreaming, focused on the things I liked.
That curiosity shows up still today. Most recently I started a DJ channel on YouTube and got into disc golf. Yeah, got deep into that and ended up playing 16 tournaments in a single year, including traveling.
But I also have vulnerabilities. I try to be the first to acknowledge them and use them creatively if I can. Right now, that’s through stand-up.
What’s next? Hard to tell. Right now I am curious to know who is reading this...Y u read and no connect?!